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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description
04:49, 4 January 2020 Baharna-logo.png (file) 190 KB Elbeladi The logo of the Baharna Encyclopedia, a wooden ship model which represents the heritage of the Baharna people in the Gulf.
08:34, 6 January 2020 Apple-icon.png (file) 8 KB Elbeladi  
08:35, 6 January 2020 Favicon.png (file) 9 KB Elbeladi  
09:03, 6 January 2020 Website-logo.png (file) 8 KB Elbeladi  
00:10, 23 January 2020 1395208 913872565293869 1163106659550093010 n.jpg (file) 16 KB Ziusudra Noah Dilmun and Mesopotamia
13:28, 24 August 2023 Head of a Female Figurine –Tylos period.jpeg (file) 238 KB Bahrani History Head of a Female Figurine – #Tylos period (3rd- 2nd century BCE). This figurine head is among the masterpieces on display at the Qal'at al-Bahrain Site Museum. Most likely of the goddess Astarte , the artifact still shows traces of its original paint.
13:36, 24 August 2023 Boats from the land of Dilmun carried the wood, on a relief of Ur-Nanshe.jpg (file) 495 KB Bahrani History "Boats from the land of Dilmun carried the wood" 𒈣𒆳𒋫𒄘𒄑𒈬-𒅅 ma2 dilmun kur-ta gu2 gesz mu-gal2 on the relief of Ur-Nanshe.[19][4][5] Limestone, Early Dynastic III (2550–2500 BC). Found in Telloh
13:37, 24 August 2023 Relief Ur-Nanshe Louvre AO2344.jpg (file) 2.59 MB Bahrani History Votive relief of Ur-Nanshe, king of Lagash: one of the inscriptions reads, “boats from the (distant) land of Dilmun carried the wood (for him)”, which is the oldest known written record of Dilmun and importation of goods into Mesopotamia.